woman riding bike in Napa

Where You Can Find Art in Napa Valley


从纳帕谷葡萄小道上的彩色壁画到标志性酒庄的当代艺术, Napa Valley has a dynamic art scene that beckons to be explored. 这里有一些建议,让你开始在纳帕谷的艺术冒险.

Hess Art Collection

4411 Redwood Rd., Napa

位于纳帕的赫斯收藏酒庄是一座世界级的当代艺术博物馆. 展示创始人唐纳德·赫斯的个人收藏,专注于本地, living artists, 该博物馆展出了由 ARTnews magazine to be one of the top 200 in the world. Guests to the winery can visit the museum free of charge, 或者可以预订一个由讲解员带领的博物馆步道,其中包括品酒.


di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art

5200 Carneros Highway, Napa

Located in the Carneros region of the valley, 迪罗莎当代艺术中心是世界上最大的湾区艺术家作品收藏地. Featuring both indoor and outdoor spaces, di Rosa exhibits nearly 2,000 works of modern and contemporary art. 游客可以在画廊之间200英亩的景观雕塑花园中漫步. 需要导游陪同才能体验整个收藏和场地.




  • HALL Wines in St. 海伦娜以提供工匠葡萄酒的葡萄酒和艺术探索而闻名, 辅以当代艺术和引人注目的建筑特色. 
  • St. Supery 在卢瑟福提供了一个二楼的艺术画廊享受,同时停下来品尝. 
  • Robert Mondavi Winery 奥克维尔(Oakville)的房子里有Beniamino Bufano的雕塑, 以及葡萄园厅的旋转和永久绘画收藏. 也不要错过美丽的使命式建筑.
  • 如果你是建筑艺术的粉丝,你会想看看的 Chateau Montelena's stone castle within its Chinese-inspired garden.
  • There's also Castello di Amorosa在美国建造的唯一一座意大利中世纪城堡里,有两层楼的托斯卡纳壁画复制品.
  • And Peju这座位于卢瑟福(Rutherford)的建筑以其塔楼中心和花园而闻名.

Railroad Arts District (RAD)


Perhaps best experienced from a ride on the Napa Valley Wine Train, RAD重新激活了纳帕的通勤走廊,并迅速成为山谷中不断发展的艺术场景的地标.

Current murals include the 210-foot Knocking on Heaven's Door by Polish street artists Bezt and Natalia Rak; Chromadynamica, a 100-foot brightly colored abstract by Argentinean-Spanish graffiti artist Felipe Pantone; and Floating Napa这是巴塞罗那壁画家Cinta Vidal的“无重力建筑”.


Art Walks


  • The Napa Art Walk 呈现一个不断变化的展览,区域艺术家的雕塑和工作,提高市中心的场景. 纳帕市和纳帕谷艺术委员会的合作, the art walk is also available through Otocast, 一款免费的智能手机应用程序,为徒步旅行提供语音向导.
  • The Yountville Art Walk has over 40 outdoor sculptures on view. Many of the pieces are for sale, 并将部分收益用于扬特维尔艺术基金和其他与艺术相关的活动.



The Robert Louis Stevenson Museum in St. 海伦娜向这位作家赠送了9000多件物品. 其他选择包括扬特维尔的纳帕谷博物馆, 通过绘画提供该地区历史的细节, photos, and private treasures; and the Sharpsteen Museum for the local history of Calistoga.

Find more information on these attractions, 还有更多的艺术和文化机会遍布纳帕谷, including galleries, performing arts, and special events, at Visit Napa Valley.